My supervisor and his collaborator explained me my task for this summer. I am supposed to use their Monte Carlo program to calculate expectations of different observables for the LHC @7TeV. Today I also listened to a lecture for the summer students here about basic ideas of particle physics and a short introduction to Fermilab. There are only a few summer students, but so far I haven't really got to know them.
First day on a different continent and I forgot my adapter in my room... So I had to go back in order to use my computer at work. This morning I got a bike from the housing office and biking through the nature on this campus is really nice. There are even bisons - but behind a fence! It is very warm and muggy here. I have to get used to the weather. No wonder that the climate different here on 41° northern latitude (same as Rome) after coming from 60° in Helsinki. Therefore it's already dark at 9pm.
Yesterday and this morning it was quite ok, but now I'm terribly jet-lagged and need to sleep...
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