Montag, 14. Juni 2010

Work @ Fermilab

FNAL is the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, belonging to the department of energy. The Tevatron, a proton-antiproton accelerator, has a circumference of 4miles=6.4km, thus smaller than the LHC. Different experiments are located on the Fermilab site my project I learn something about QCD, how to use my supervisors' program and also how to include formulas and images on a webpage because they want me to document it online. Keith is now away for some weeks, but my second supervisor John helps me a lot, too, and he gives me new tasks.
There are several talks per week in all fields of particle phyiscs, either from Fermilab people or given by invited speakers from somewhere else. That makes the institute life here very interesting.
Comment 06/14: Today there were two special talks about brand new results from neutrino experiments. The auditorium was completely full and people discussed a lot.

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