Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2015

First day at the Weizmann Institute

What a nice first day at the Weizmann Institute of Science! We walked 5min from our apartment to the main gate and then 10min over the campus that looks like a botanical garden :-) We were welcomed very nicely by the physicists and secretaries of the physics department. In the offices of the Feinberg Graduate School (where PhD students and postdocs are registered), the housing service and the bank, we signed many forms (in the bank at least 30(!) times) and received a lot of useful advice. At the Feinberg office we were even asked how we and our relatives feel in the currently tough political situation.

After the bureaucracy, we had lunch with our new colleagues in one of the university restaurants. The food was really tasty and it is great that lunch together is also common in this group.

Some new offices were installed in the library and we could start working there.

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