Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2015

Particle physics seminar all over Israel

Once a week, the particle physiciss phenomenologists from the Weizmann Institute in Rehovot, Tel Aviv University (TAU) and the Technion at Haifa meet at one of these locations for the joint seminar, a journal club and discussions. Today we had the pleasure to visit TAU. Until yesterday we were asked to sign up for the shuttle from Weizmann to TAU. In fact, this morning there were only Ryosuke (another new postdoc) and the 2 of us in the big shuttle. The driver spoke only very little English and we only very little Hebrew. He knew he should bring us to TAU, but neither he nor we knew where the physics department is located. After 1 hour drive through a dense traffic, he stopped at one of the TAU gates, but was sent back. Apparently other drivers were not particularly pleased by his driving style so that we were surrounded by a chorus of horns... Next gate, next chance, but the guards told him: "shtaim" (2). He dropped us at the gate with this number where we had to open our backpacks for a security control. We asked the guards "Eifo habait shel hafisika?" but they did not know either where to find the physics department. We found a campus map in Hebrew, but we were not able to find the letters for fisika. Finally we spotted some colleagues in front of the maths building and followed them. Inside, we were welcomed by many phenomenologists and a buffet :-)
The seminar included a lot of discussions. Today, there was no journal club, but food and drinks after the talk. One of our Weizmann colleagues organised a shuttle that transported the 3 of us new postdocs back. How nice!

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