Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2015

Weizmann choir

Of course, I am also looking for a music ensemble here :-) I have already practised the viola in the apartment (no neighbour complained), and there is even a music room on campus that I might try out soon. So far, I have not found a university orchestra.
Instead, there was an announcement that the Weizmann choir was looking for new members. It was very nice to meet singers from many different departments at the first rehearsal of the new semester. Most of them were from Israel and at the beginning, everyone should introduce him/herself and say where he/she lives. "Shalom, ani Elina mi Germania ve achshav ani gara be Rehovot." Yeah, I can say few sentences in Hebrew :-) Most likely, I won't understand the answer, though...
To make it easier for us few non-Hebrew speakers, the first rehearsal was mostly in English. It was fun to sing, but unfortunately, we sang only half a song during the long rehearsal. Given that the Hebrew course will start soon with 5 hours/week, I decided not to join the choir. Staying for 3 years is really different from just one exchange year. I have time to start an activity later...

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